Hair Loss Stress


Hair shedding is entirely natural, as every type of hair has its growth cycle. It can be annoying when your hair clogs your shower drain but, other than that, there’s usually nothing to worry about, especially if you follow a healthy diet.

However, a stressful event may cause you to lose your hair and even affect your hair growth in the long run. It can negatively affect your hair’s growth phase, thus causing stress-related hair loss.

The most common types of hair loss caused by stress are alopecia areata (when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing them to fall out in patches), telogen effluvium (when high-stress levels make your hair follicles enter a resting phase before they turn into thin hair and fall out), and trichotillomania (when you have the urge to pull out hair).

Why Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Stress triggers the so-called “fight or flight” response in your body. It stimulates the production of more hormones to help your body combat what it perceives as a potential threat. This hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc all over your body.

It can negatively affect your immune system, making it easier for you to catch the flu, or develop a high fever or some other illness. Illnesses are some of the most common hair loss triggers.

Stress also does a number on your digestive system, preventing your body from getting all the necessary nutrients. When you don’t have enough vitamins, protein, and iron in your body, your hair starts to shed.

What Are The Signs Of Hair Loss Due To Stress?

When you start losing hair due to stress, you may notice a suddenly increased hair loss. Your hair may also begin to shed in patches or clumps, which may be a sign of a medical condition caused by increased stress.

If you notice such unusual signs, be sure to see a doctor, who will provide you with the right hair loss stress treatment. They will also help you determine whether your hair loss is genetic or it is indeed caused only by stress, or perhaps an underlying medical condition.

Does Hair Loss Improve When Stress Decreases? Will The Hair Grow Back Again?

Hair loss caused by stress is usually only temporary. Once you reduce stress and get your hormones back in order, your hair should start growing back again.

It usually takes a couple of months for your hair to get back to normal when you eliminate stress from your life. This is why you must start taking excellent care of yourself if you ever notice the signs of stress-related hair loss.

How Can Hair Loss Be Combated Under Stress?

There are many ways to reduce stress and hair loss, and all include some straightforward steps that anyone can take.

You can start exercising to strengthen your body and immune system and increase your “happy” hormones. You can do Pilates and yoga, you can meditate and practice mindfulness, or you can start taking regular walks to relax and breathe in some fresh air.

Start doing pretty much anything that relaxes you and helps you unwind. Art projects, writing, reading, listening to music – anything that will make you feel better.

You must improve your diet and enrich your body with nutrients, especially vitamins B, C, and E, that will promote a healthy metabolism and healthy hair.

The most important thing is to find the root of the problem and weed it out. Otherwise, it will keep stressing you out.

Dr. Emrah Cinik’s Hair Transplantation As A Solution For Hair Loss

If your hair loss is genetic, or perhaps caused by an illness that prevents it from growing back, you can consider hair transplantation. Dr. Cinik Clinic is one of the most reputable medical aesthetic centers in Istanbul, Turkey, where you can restore your youthful appearance in a single session.

You will receive high-quality services at the most affordable prices in the country, and Dr. Emrah Cinik will be with you all the way through, making sure everything goes smoothly.

If you have any questions about our hair transplant procedures, or you’d like to come in for a consultation, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Contact us today to get a free consultation!

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