FUE Sapphire

Get the best results from your hair transplant

FUE Sapphire hair transplantation represents a permanent solution to restore your hair to its former density.

For your hair implants in Turkey, turn to one of the best clinics in Istanbul, Dr. Emrah Cinik Clinic.

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How to get the best results from your hair transplant? The FUE Sapphire graft technique is the most innovative version. This blade is used to open the channels during the implantation of the grafts. It is characterized by the use of a gemstone blade. Unlike the classic FUE, which uses a metal blade. This innovation allows very fine and precise incisions in V shape. The incisions are therefore closer to each other, offering a greater density. It also respects better the natural direction of graft regrowth. In addition, it minimizes the formation of scabs and allows a faster recovery. It is the ideal technique to obtain natural and precise results. Especially when performed by Dr. Emrah Cinik, one of the most renowned surgeons! Trust Dr. Cinik with your hair or/and beard transplant Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation! +905422340034, contact us for free consultation.


FUE Sapphire hair transplantation in brief

The FUE Sapphire technique is an innovative version of the traditional FUE hair transplant. This permanent solution to correct baldness gets its name from the use of a special blade: a sapphire blade. Unlike FUE, which uses a metal blade to create the channels in the scalp, the Sapphire FUE technique is characterised using a blade made of precious stone. This blade is also used at the time of the opening of the channels, just before the implantation of the grafts. Dedicated to men and women who suffer from localised or diffuse hair loss, this technique is ideal for obtaining natural and precise results.

The principle of FUE hair transplantation:

Hair transplantation is the most common method used by surgeons around the world. This method is based on extracting follicular units from the donor area and implantation within the recipient area.

The importance of blade thinness and incision diameter

FUE performed with sapphire blades is an innovation implementing a new process within the FUE method. This innovation allows for very thin V-shaped incisions, while the traditional metal blade creates larger U-shaped openings that cause more bleeding and offer less density. The Sapphire FUE hair transplant allows channel openings closer to each other, thus providing greater density and better healing.

Advantages of the Sapphire blade compared to a metal blade

The sapphire blade minimises scab formation and allows faster recovery by opening smaller microchannels in the recipient area. This hair transplant technique is ideal for achieving maximum hair density. The sapphire blade also allows for better respect of the direction of graft regrowth and promotes the precision and efficiency of the procedure.

DHI or Sapphire FUE: which technique to choose depending on your needs

DHI is also an innovative hair transplant technique. This method uses a CHOI pen to implant the grafts, which does not require opening the implantation channels. The Sapphire FUE is indicated for the most advanced stage of androgenetic alopecia, while the DHI is fitted for a less advanced stage of alopecia. Both hair transplant techniques work well when performed successfully. While the Sapphire method is more economical, DHI allows for a shorter recovery. To determine the most appropriate technique, an initial analysis is necessary.

Improved hair density and success rate with Sapphire FUE and PRP treatment

When performed by an experienced surgeon such as Dr. Emrah Cinik, FUE Sapphire hair transplantation provides a satisfactory result. In addition, a PRP treatment can improve the success rate and hair density. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment is a platelet concentrate obtained by centrifuging autologous blood. PRP has powerful healing properties. It also naturally stimulates hair growth and improves hair density.

Why perform your Sapphire FUE hair transplant in Turkey with Dr. Cinik

Dr. Emrah Cinik is one of Turkey’s most recognised surgeons for his extensive FUE hair transplant expertise. In addition to providing his patients with optimal results, Dr. Emrah Cinik’s clinic places great importance on his patients’ safety and post-operative care. Based in Istanbul, our clinic has state-of-the-art equipment and offers high-end services at great prices.

What is the price of Sapphire FUE?

With DR Cinik

Dr. Emrah Cinik’s clinic offers hair transplant packages that allow you to know exactly how much the procedure will cost, with no unpleasant surprises. The cost of a sapphire FUE hair transplant with Dr. Emrah Cinik is 2890 euros. This includes the procedure but also accommodation, VIP transfers, PRP treatment and the services of a translator.

Prices found in the UK, the US and Canada

To perform a sapphire FUE hair transplant in the UK, the US or Canada, you must pay 70-80% more than in Turkey. This fee does not usually include additional treatments, such as the PRP treatment offered in Dr. Emrah Cinik’s clinic packages.


2890 €

All-inclusive Sapphire FUE Package

  • Local anesthesia with air pressure
  • Maximum Grafts
  • Sapphire Blade
  • Accommodation
  • VIP Transfer
  • Consultation
  • Blood Test
  • PRP Treatment
  • Medication & Care Products
  • Hair and Scalp Analysis
  • Translator
  • First Hair Wash
  • Post-Op Service

Saphir FUE results: before and after surgery photos

Frequently Asked Questions about FUE Sapphire

What is the difference between a conventional FUE and a Sapphire FUE

Classic FUE employs a traditional metal blade, while Sapphire FUE uses a sapphire blade to open the channels in the scalp.

Are there any contraindications?

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. This procedure is also not recommended in cases of scalp disease or infection. A prior study is necessary to rule out any contraindications.

Is it possible to perform a FUE hair transplant with a sapphire blade without shaving?

Unshaved hair transplant can be considered as part of a manual FUE. To perform an FUE hair transplant, shaving the donor area is essential.

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