Bacary Sagna, the “Locks Warrior”, opts for a hair transplant


A defender with an exceptional record

In his prime as a right back for the storied English club Arsenal, Bacary Sagna enjoyed godlike status among supporters. With his signature waist-length dreadlocks trailing behind marauding runs down the wing, he thrilled fans for a decade with spirited defending and overlapping attacking bursts. But even footballing greats cannot elude time forever. In recent years, Bacary noticed with unease his pubic hairline thinning despite strict fitness regimes – the hallmark creeping onset of androgenetic alopecia. Coupled with more diffuse shedding tied to his iconic dreadlocks, putting extreme traction across the scalp, Sagna’s attributes were under assault on multiple fronts. Yet, where others may resign themselves to balding, this was one challenge the French warrior refused to shy from. With a mind to halt and reverse, he sought out leading hair restoration authority Dr. Cinik and his surgical innovations.


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Une publication partagée par Bacary Sagna (@therealbac)

Years of Tight Dreadlocks Deplete Hair Density

Beyond the typical male pattern loss tied to hormones and genetics, Sagna had also suffered from traction alopecia – gradual thinning caused by prolonged tension on hair follicles.

After years of sporting extraordinarily tight dreadlocks woven flush to his head, areas of persistent traction had critically depleted Sagna’s scalp health and density. However, Dr. Cinik’s extensive expertise in treating both traction-based and hereditary hair loss instilled optimism. Targeted treatment could unwind previous damage done while proactively warding off future recession. First, though, they must accurately diagnose the mechanisms of shedding through consultations and diagnostic imaging.

State-of-the-art hair transplant Using Sapphire Blades

Given the compounding challenges of both alopecia conditions, Dr. Cinik advised his signature Saphire FUE approach – harvesting each follicle individually using finely-honed sapphire blades. This pioneering technique enabled surgical precision and enhanced graft survival rates.

Over 8 hours, some 2000 healthy follicles were artfully extracted from back and side donor regions and then meticulously reimplanted across Sagna’s barren forehead hairline. The sapphire instrumentation allowed minimally invasive implantation – reducing recovery discomfort.

This customized hair restoration regimen leveraged both established techniques like FUE alongside cutting-edge implements to stimulate regrowth while avoiding further damage. As Sagna’s post-operative photographs soon revealed, the integrated strategy showed early promise.

Early Signs of Recovered Density

Although Sagna’s procedure was recent, early post-operative images display encouraging initial regeneration across implanted areas. The transplanted follicles in frontal zones exhibit lively growth, while back and side regions remain undisturbed.

As the months progresses, these preliminary positive indicators presage a full recovery of Sagna’s characteristic flowing locks of his footballing prime. Dr. Cinik’s team has set the stage for a total aesthetic revival through a synergistic approach leveraging both art and science.


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Une publication partagée par Bacary Sagna (@therealbac)

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